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Spatial Identities

NJC 2021 Graduating E-Exhibition


by Bronte Weaver

“Art is about changing what we see in our everyday lives and representing it in such a way that it gives us hope.”
Kehinde Wiley

For many of us in the graduating AEP class of 2021, Art is a subject that has been firmly ingrained in both our academic history and our identity.  Many of the works in this exhibition act as a deeply personal glimpse into the lives and thoughts of the students in this class, myself included. As students, but first and foremost, artists, there lies immense difficulty in the process of pouring out one’s self into an artwork and allowing it to be graded. It often feels as though someone is inspecting a piece of you. In light of this, I want to congratulate every single one of my wonderful, talented classmates for taking on this challenge and walking alongside one another throughout this journey. In seeing your artwork, I see every single one of you. I hope that in this exhibition, the viewers will too.


This difficult journey would have been made even more torturous if not for the care and compassion of our AEP teachers, who worked with us to bring the works as we envisioned them to life.


Finally, thank you to whomever is reading this, for supporting our craft in your own way. I hope you will enjoy our exhibition. ♡

All that being said, the NJC AEP Class of 2021 is proud to present “Spatial Identities: who we are as it relates to where we are”.

 Message from the teachers 

by Mr Ernest Yeo and Ms Priya Jothi

Presenting to you a harmonious collection with 8 distinctive symphonies. 
With a keen foundation in serious play, their unorthodox ideas and development might puzzle and even upset a few - as Art should. Unafraid of standing out of a crowd, they march to the beat of their own drums - Something that I hope will continue to develop beyond the walls of the gallery.

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